Saturday, November 23, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy New Year — How to Live by Design and Make the New Year Your Best Year Ever

The first of January is one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. It's a time we wish family and friends a Happy New Year, with balloons, confetti, fireworks, food, music, dance, and parties.

Like billions of people around the world, you too will likely make some New Year resolutions and promise yourself to start doing some good things and start doing some bad things.

If, like me, you are a Christian, you will probably be at a watch-night service on New Year's eve to make declarations and pray over your New Year resolutions. Unfortunately, many stop at declaration bus stop, and never make it to their goal because they have no strategic plan and are unwilling to do what is necessary to make the New Year a Happy New Year indeed.
If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan." — Jim Rohn
The New Year will not be a Happy New Year if you celebrate it with an old you. I will be discussing various strategies you can develop to make your New Year a Happy New Year and your best year ever, so you want subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you don’t miss any of these strategies. Here is #1: continue reading

Saturday, November 2, 2013

How to empower people and extend your influence as a leader

Empower people and extend your influenceEmpowerment is giving your influence to others for the purpose of personal and organizational growth. Successful leaders delegate power and share their influence, position, and power with others.

If you are burnt out, stressed, and tired, you are probably not delegating authority and empowering those around you to take charge; you are insecure and afraid of someone taking your job.

Besides helping you as a leader to work with and through people, empowering and investing in people can help them reach their potential.
No matter how much work you can do, no matter how engaging your personality may be, you will not advance far in business if you cannot work through others — John Craig
When you decide to empower people, Leadership guru John C. Maxwell said “your goal in the beginning should be to hand over relatively small, simple tasks to the people you wish to empower and progressively increase the responsibility and authority.

Here are 7 foolproof ways to empower people: continue reading...

Excerpt from John C. Maxwell's Book: Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs To Know.