Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The U.S. Government Shutdown — Why the Government Shutdown is Good For You

By on Tuesday, October 01, 2013

US government shutdown 2013For the first time since 1995, the U.S Government officially shutdown today due to the inability of Congress to approve a spending bill. The government shutdown will force about 800,000 government workers to take unpaid time off. While government shutdown might not be the best for your work life—if you are affected, it might be the best time to reflect on your life work.

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why — Mark Twain
If you are affected by the government shutdown, take this time to reflect on who you are, why you are born, and what you are here to contribute. Here are five ways you can make the government shutdown work for you:

Take advantage of the government shutdown to re-ignite your passion

If you are not very passionate about your job, the government shutdown might be your opportunity to really take some time to think about what you love, what you have keen interest in, and activities you know you can pursue with passionate obsession.

If your job does not get you excited, it might be an indication that you should be somewhere else doing something different. Are you enthusiastic on your job? Are you happy when you are carrying out the tasks and the activities on your job? If you are not very happy with your job, if you are making money but not making progress, and if you are not fulfilled even after giving more than 8 hours to your job, it’s time to look within you to really discover what you are passionate about... continue reading

About Saji Ijiyemi

Saji is an author, keynote speaker, and life coach. He is the founder and Chief Empowerment Officer (CEO) at The Saji Group and a certified John Maxwell leadership coach.


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