Monday, September 9, 2013

The 10 Commandments of Effective Leadership #9—Don’t Lead Without Listening

By on Monday, September 09, 2013

Don’t lead without listeningThe 10 Commandments of Effective Leadership #9—Don’t Lead Without Listening
Don't lead without listening. This is the ninth of the ten commandments of effective leadership. You cannot lead without listening and you cannot listen when you are too busy. You can be so busy doing what you are called to do that you can’t hear who called you.

You Will Lead Without Listening If You Are Too Busy

If want to respect this commandment of effective leadership, you cannot take every engagement, and you cannot respond to everybody who wants you.
Talking makes you feel important. Listening to others makes them feel important — Dan Rockwell
Just because you are busy does not mean you are effective. Your busyness can be the enemy of your greatness. If you've been busy for the last three years and you don’t see any progress, you busyness is your enemy. Maybe you can go farther if you do less.

Leaders, listen to your leaders

Don’t put people in position if you don’t... continue reading

About Saji Ijiyemi

Saji is an author, keynote speaker, and life coach. He is the founder and Chief Empowerment Officer (CEO) at The Saji Group and a certified John Maxwell leadership coach.


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